Project Meeting 2016.03.11 - ActivitySim/activitysim GitHub Wiki

Project Administration

  1. UrbanLabs (@e-lo) under contract
  2. Still waiting on OSG - Ben (@bstabler) to email OSG
  3. GitHub repo
  • RSG and the MPO team are now all activitysim owners
  • All activitysim team members are members and have admin on the activitysim repo
  • Ben and Jeff can now take ownership of the repo, the webhooks, etc.
  • Will write protect the master branch and require automated testing Issue #64
  • Dave (@DaveOry) working on a governance plan for activitysim
  • Will manage the project pretty much entirely on GitHub
  • Ben and Jeff out week of 3/21; Ben still have meeting 3/25

Knowledge Transfer

Jeff (@toliwaga) and Ben talked with Fletcher (@fscotfoti)

  • Discussed mostly big picture software framework ideas, project goals, the previous project, etc.
  • Discussed required skills for a user and a developer and how that informed the design
  • Discussed skimming API a bit
  • Ben will setup another call in a couple weeks since we didn't discuss a lot of technical stuff yet

Updates on Current Milestones - Task 2

  1. Getting Started Tutorial - We will start with Fletcher's website material (in the docs folder) and use the same github pages solution - Ben was interested in using the linked project wiki since it is more accessible/convenient, but this will be for project admin - Will focus on a model user and will use the included example - Will not require the user to modify stuff in activitysim - A second "developer" tutorial will be a deeper dive into modifications for new modules, etc.

  2. Large Scale Performance Test

    • Dave will post all the MTC TM1 matrices for RSG; Ben will convert to OMX
    • We will start with un-commenting out a couple of Fletcher's skims API edits to use just one matrix
    • Will run tour mode choice and see what performance looks like
    • Creating a benchmark at this point
    • Won't refactor code at this point; focused more on review, design ideas, benchmarks, etc.
    • Travis doesn't support all the matrices, so this is something to consider
    • Once up and running, will work on some additional testing for the various skim queries:
      1. one OD pair
      2. one O to all Ds
      3. one O to a sample of Ds
      4. all Os to Ds
      5. by mode, time-of-day, etc.
      6. etc.
    • Dave started on an accessibilities calculator for travel model one that is housed on his github page; this will be useful to review
  3. Coveralls Testing via Continuous Integration System

    • Now that RSG has admin on the repo, we will take ownership of the Travis integration and make sure everything is working

Anticipated Progress for March 25, 2016

Progress on the three Task 2 work items