CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – October 13th - AICC/CMI-5_Spec_Current GitHub Wiki

cmi5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – October 13th


  • Bill McDonald (Working Group Leader)
  • Andy Johnson (Formerly with ADL)
  • Tom Creighton (ADL)
  • Art Werkenthin (RISC, Inc)
  • Clayton Miller (NextPort)
  • Charles Touron (USARMY CAC)
  • Ben Clark (Rustici Software)
  • Christopher Thompson (Medcom, Inc.)
  • Ray Lowery - Pratt & Whitney


Conformance Testing

The group resumed work on the cmi5 testing requirements document.

Sections 10.0 xAPI State Data Model thru 11.2 xAPI State Data Model were covered.

Issue #568 returnURL should be encoded in State

Currently there is confusion with content developers whether returnURL is string value or a URL-encoded string value. The group agreed to add the following clarifying language to emphasize that it is NOT a URL-encoded string value:


Data Type: String (Not URL encoded)

entitlementKey object

Based on last week's discussion on the need for clarifying language in the spec on entitlementKey, the following changes were agreed upon:

#1 - Add the following language to clarify that entitlementKey is actually an object with 2 properties (courseStructure and alternate):


Description: The entitlementKey object is used by the AU to determine if the launching LMS is entitled to use the AU.

LMS Required: Yes

AU Required: No

LMS Usage: If an entitlementKey is present in the Course Structure for the AU, the LMS MUST add and an entitlementKey object to the LMS.launchdata state document. The entitlementKey consists of 2 properties, “courseStructure” and “alternate”. See items below for LMS usage requirements.

AU Usage: The AU SHOULD use this data in combination with other data provided from the LMS to determine entitlement.

#2 - Update the description of entitlementKey:courseStructure as follows:


Description: The courseStructure property contains the value for entitlementKey from the Course Structure . The courseStructure values may be used by the AU to determine if the launching LMS is entitled to use the AU.

#3 - Update the description of entitlementKey: alternate as follows:

Description: The alternate property is data from some other source as agreed upon between the LMS and the AU. The alternate property values may be used by the AU to determine if the launching LMS is entitled to use the AU.

LMS Usage: The LMS MUST obtain the value for the alternate property from a source as agreed upon with the AU.

Discussion for next week

  • Develop cmi5 Conformance Testing Requirements

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