--- title: Scripting permalink: Linux/Scripting category: Linux parent: Linux layout: default has_children: false share: true shortRepo: - linux - default ---
Table of contents {: .text-delta } 1. TOC {:toc}

# Variables ## Special Variables ### The name of the Bash script. > ```$0``` ### The first 9 arguments to the Bash script. (As mentioned above.) > ```$1``` - ```$9``` ### How many arguments were passed to the Bash script. > ```$#``` ### All the arguments supplied to the Bash script. > ```$@``` ### The exit status of the most recently run process. > ```$?``` ### The process ID of the current script. > ```$$``` ### The username of the user running the script. > ```$USER``` ### The hostname of the machine the script is running on. > ```$HOSTNAME``` ### The number of seconds since the script was started. > ```$SECONDS``` ### Returns a different random number each time is it referred to. > ```$RANDOM``` ### Returns the current line number in the Bash script. > ```$LINENO``` ## Use ### The first, second, etc command line arguments to the script. > ```$1, $2, ...``` ### To set a value for a variable. Remember, no spaces on either side of = > ```variable=value``` ### Double will do variable substitution, single will not. > ```Quotes " '``` ### Save the output of a command into a variable > ```variable=$( command )``` ### Make the variable var1 available to child processes. > ```export var1``` # Std In and Out ## use a string put int script that needs a user response ```shell export GH_TOKEN=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; act=$(gh auth status -t >>(tee -a) 2>&1 | sed -n 's/.*Token: //p'); if [[ "$act" == *"$GH_TOKEN"* ]] then echo $GH_TOKEN | gh auth login --with-token; ``` ## use output from a script to set a variable > ```tee``` can be used to create a file from output `here i take the out put pipe that and error output` ```shell 2 >&1 ``` > File descriptor 1 `is the standard output (stdout)` > File descriptor 2 `is the standard error (stderr)` > ```2>``` redirects stderr to an (unspecified) file. > ```&1``` redirects ```stderr``` to ```stdout```