--- title: QuickScripts permalink: Linux/QuickScripts category: Linux parent: Linux layout: default has_children: false share: true shortRepo: - linux - default ---
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# Bash ## find and remove files ```bash for st in $(mdfind -name ultdata); do rm -rf "$st"; done ``` ## find and kill by pid ```bash pkill -f '.*GradleDaemon.*' ``` ## kill by port ```bash npx kill-port 18090 ``` ## zip folder with pw ```bash zip -er last_resort.zip attachments; ``` ## Add Table of Contents to mark down doc with pandoc 1) set file name ```bash fileMD=CLI_Grailsw.md; ``` 2) run ```bash pandoc -s --toc $fileMD -o output.md; rm -f $fileMD; mv output.md ./$fileMD; ``` ### UseCase Ex. #### Backing up IntelliJ Caches ```bash #!/bin/bash if [[ ! -d "/Users/bpaxton/Library/Caches/JetBrains/cachebackup/intellij/" ]] then; mkdir -p /Users/bpaxton/Library/Caches/JetBrains/cachebackup/intellij; fi if [[ ! -d "/Users/bpaxton/Library/Caches/JetBrains/cachebackup/webstorm/" ]] then; mkdir -p /Users/bpaxton/Library/Caches/JetBrains/cachebackup/webstorm; fi if [[ -d "/Volumes/JetBrainsKeys/intellij/" ]] then; cp -a /Volumes/JetBrainsKeys/intellij/. /Users/bpaxton/Library/Caches/JetBrains/cachebackup/intellij; fi if [[ -d "/Volumes/JetBrainsKeys/webstorm/" ]] then; cp -a /Volumes/JetBrainsKeys/webstorm/. /Users/bpaxton/Library/Caches/JetBrains/cachebackup/webstorm; fi ``` #### Create RamDisk for Jet Brains ```shell #!/bin/bash if [ ! -d "/Volumes/JetBrainsKeys/intellij/" ]; then diskutil erasevolume HFS+ JetBrainsKeys `hdiutil attach -nomount ram://6291456`; mkdir -p /Volumes/JetBrainsKeys/intellij; mkdir -p /Volumes/JetBrainsKeys/webstorm; [[ -d /Users/bpaxton/Library/Caches/JetBrains/cachebackup/intellij/ ]] && cp -a /Users/bpaxton/Library/Caches/JetBrains/cachebackup/intellij/. /Volumes/JetBrainsKeys/intellij; [[ -d /Users/bpaxton/Library/Caches/JetBrains/cachebackup/webstorm/ ]] && cp -a /Users/bpaxton/Library/Caches/JetBrains/cachebackup/webstorm/. /Volumes/JetBrainsKeys/webstorm; chmod -R 777 /Volumes/JetBrainsKeys; #previously was going to use symbolic link to file, would not work #mkdir -p /Volumes/JetBrainsKeys/tbcore/intellij/caches; #ln -s /Volumes/JetBrainsKeys/intellij/caches /Users/bpaxton/Library/Caches/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2022.1/caches; fi [[ -d /Users/bpaxton/Library/Caches/JetBrains/cachebackup/intellij/ && ! -f /Volumes/JetBrainsKeys/tbcore/intellij/.appinfo ]] && cp -a /Users/bpaxton/Library/Caches/JetBrains/cachebackup/intellij/. /Volumes/JetBrainsKeys/intellij; [[ -d /Users/bpaxton/Library/Caches/JetBrains/cachebackup/webstorm/ && ! -f /Volumes/JetBrainsKeys/tbcore/webstorm/.appinfo ]] && cp -a /Users/bpaxton/Library/Caches/JetBrains/cachebackup/webstorm/. /Volumes/JetBrainsKeys/webstorm; ``` #### Backup My Scripts to GitHub ```shell #!/bin/bash if [[ ! -d "/Users/bpaxton/Documents/ScriptsAndSuch/" ]] then; mkdir -p /Users/bpaxton/Documents/ScriptsAndSuch; cd /Users/bpaxton/Documents/ScriptsAndSuch; git clone git@github.com:14paxton/ScriptsAndSuch.git .; git remote set-url origin git@github.com:14paxton/ScriptsAndSuch.git; fi cd /Users/bpaxton/Documents/ScriptsAndSuch; # git commands can be used #git fetch; #git checkout master; #git merge origin/master; # gh github cli export GH_TOKEN=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; act=$(gh auth status -t >>(tee -a) 2>&1 | sed -n 's/.*Token: //p'); if [[ "$act" == *"$GH_TOKEN"* ]] then echo $GH_TOKEN | gh auth login --with-token; gh repo sync --force; cp -a /Users/bpaxton/Documents/scripts/. /Users/bpaxton/Documents/ScriptsAndSuch/Temp; # supposed to be able to grap multiple dir this way , doesnt work # cp -r /Volumes/JetBrainsKeys/intellij/{caches,workspace,LocalHistory,projects}; if [[ -d "/Volumes/JetBrainsKeys/intellij/" ]] then cd /Volumes/JetBrainsKeys/intellij; tar -cZf intellijcaches.tar.gz --auto-compress ./caches ./workspace ./LocalHistory ./projects ; mv ./intellijcaches.tar.gz /Users/bpaxton/Documents/ScriptsAndSuch/Temp ; fi if [[ -d "/Volumes/JetBrainsKeys/webstorm/" ]] then cd /Volumes/JetBrainsKeys/webstorm; tar -cZf webstormcaches.tar.gz --auto-compress ./caches ./workspace ./LocalHistory ./projects ; mv ./webstormcaches.tar.gz /Users/bpaxton/Documents/ScriptsAndSuch/Temp ; fi cd /Users/bpaxton/Documents/ScriptsAndSuch; [[ -f *.gz ]] && rm -rf ./scriptsandcaches.tar.gz; tar -cZf scriptsandcaches.tar.gz --auto-compress ./Temp rm -rf /Users/bpaxton/Documents/ScriptsAndSuch/Temp; git add -A --ignore-errors; git commit -am "script backup $(date +'%s')"; git push; fi ``` #### Folder Mod for Notes site ```shell DIRNAME=$(basename "$(pwd)"); SHORTREPOKEY=$(echo "$DIRNAME" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'); access_token='${{ secrets.SYNCTOKEN }}' wiki_folder='${{ github.event.repository.name }}' [[ ! -d "./.github/workflows/ " ]] && mkdir -p ./.github/workflows/ cat << EOL > ./.github/workflows/updatewiki.yml --- on: push: branches: - "master" pull_request: branches: - "master" name: Update Wiki jobs: udpate-wiki: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@master - name: Wiki Sync uses: LillyWho/ghaction-wiki-sync-custom@v1.0 with: username: 14paxton access_token: $access_token wiki_folder: $wiki_folder commit_message: "wikisync" commit_username: "14paxton" commit_email: "26972590+14paxton@users.noreply.github.com " EOL [[ ! -d ./"$DIRNAME" ]] && mkdir -p "$DIRNAME" cd "$DIRNAME" [[ -d ./$DIRNAME/ ]] && cd "$DIRNAME" #[[ ! -f ./$DIRNAME ]] && touch "$DIRNAME".md cat << EOL > "$DIRNAME".md --- title: $DIRNAME layout: default permalink: $DIRNAME/ category: $DIRNAME has_children: true share: true shortRepo: - $SHORTREPOKEY - default --- # [REPO](https://github.com/14paxton/$DIRNAME) EOL for st in $(find "$(PWD)" -type f); do FILENAME=${$(basename "$st")%.*} PERMALINK=$DIRNAME/$FILENAME if [[ "$FILENAME" != "$DIRNAME" ]] then; ex "$st" << eof 1 insert --- title: $FILENAME permalink: $PERMALINK category: $DIRNAME parent: $DIRNAME layout: default has_children: false share: true shortRepo: - $SHORTREPOKEY - default ---
Table of contents {: .text-delta } 1. TOC {:toc}

. xit eof fi done; ``` # Mac ## get local ip ```bash osascript -e "IPv4 address of (system info)" ``` ```bash ifconfig | grep "inet " ``` ## convert file/image to base64 ```bash base64 -i ./post_u_north_gate.jpg | pbcopy ``` ```bash cat ./post_u_north_gate.jpg | openssl base64 | tr -d '\n' | pbcopy ``` ```bash ./post_u_north_gate.jpg | openssl base64 | tr -d '\n' | pbcopy ```